Media damage & Receiving damaged shipments
On this page you will find videos, downloads, and steps of receiving freight damage and go over what constitutes cosmetic damage and what constitutes performance damage when it comes to media.
One of the biggest issues we face daily is damage of evaporative cooling media, especially freight damage. We understand that this is part of the nature of the material. We know all to well how damage goes but we are well equipped to deal with the many scenarios. On this page you will get all the info you need on freight damage. You will find videos and other resources to help lessen the freight damage headache. We will take you through what happens before the media ships and the things we are doing to try and stop freight damage before it happens. We will also show you how media is damaged through the shipping process, how to receive a damaged order, and what constitutes freight damage.

Shipping Options:
The lone box:
This is when we just put the box on the truck and send it on its way.
This is the cheapest option for shipping, however, it does offer the most opportunity for damage.
Palletizing does cost a little extra because you pay extra for the pallets, the weight of the pallets, and the strapping. This option is more safe and has shown to protect the media better. Obviously damage may still occur but this does help cut down on damages.
Secure/sealed off loads:
A sealed or secure load is when they seal the order inside a part of the truck. This is a more expensive option, but it does help to cut damage out almost completely. When a load is secure it is not transferred at the terminals, it stays on the truck. When damage occurs it is usually because of too much transfer. The more times a land is taken on and off a truck the more likely the damage. This is a great option to help eliminate the time, money, and hassle brought on by freight claims.
Dedicated trucks:
A dedicated truck is great for really big orders, this ensures that no other freight will interfere and that your load will be the only load. This is the most expensive option for shipping but for large orders it is ideal to eliminate damage options.
It is very important to make sure damaged shipments are treated correctly. It will help you to have less headache if damage comes your way. We have put together this list to help you if you find yourself in a damaged situation. Download the damaged shipment sheet for in-depth help and frequently asked questions about damaged shipments.
Steps to Receiving damage
First off Let us begin with the golden rule of damage... ALWAYS ACCEPT the shipment! Here are our 5 steps of receiving damaged orders...
Step 1:
Inspect shipment for damage.
Step 2:
DO NOT REFUSE SHIPMENT! Even if it is damaged do not refuse.
Accept the shipment from the freight carrier, however, do not sign the delivery receipt until you have noted the damage to the product boxes or pallets on the
delivery receipt. (Hint: When in doubt, write on the delivery receipt: Possible damage per inspection).
Step 3:
Note the total damaged pieces on delivery receipt (Hint: Sometimes if a box is damaged not all the material inside is damaged.)
Step 4:
Photograph all the damage
Step 5:
Reach out to your vendor to get the frieght claim moving along.
Freight claim for 3rd party billing & collect billing shipments:
Palletizing does cost a little extra because you pay extra for the pallets, the weight of the pallets and the strapping. This option is more safe and has shown to protect the media better. Obviously damage may still occur but this does help cut down on damages.
ATEC/Indirex freight claims (Pre-paid shipments):
Send a copy of your signed delivery receipt noting product damage as mentioned above and an inventory of the specific pieces damaged during the
shipment. Please also include pictures to show punctures or tears. You can email the information to office@haveacoolday.com . ATEC/Indirex will send out
your replacement product and file the necessary freight claim form.
Regardless of who is filing the claim, damaged material must be stored in your warehouse until the freight claim has been resolved. The freight company has the right to pick up the damaged material for salvage. After the freight claim has been resolved you may dispose of the product.
Damage Types (Cosmetic vs. Performance Damage)
Cosmetic Damage: When media shows some damage but is still considered usable.
Media is fragile, especially the cellulose media and sometimes sheets get bumped and may appear damaged but it may only be cosmetic damage. A good general rule of thumb to remember is the 2-sheet deep rule. If a hole or a puncture on the side goes 2 sheets of media deep or less it is still usable and is still considered an efficient piece of media. Even media with multiple sheets damaged can usually be placed on the end of the equipment. It is okay to use slightly damaged media and still get good performance. If there are slight bumps and tears on front and back, or on the corners, it is typically still usable. You can always send us pictures of media you think may be damaged. We have put together an album here with some examples of media with cosmetic damage, all are pieces that are still considered usable and efficient. Feel free to scroll through.

Performance Damage: When media is too damaged to use.
Unfortunately, we do get shipments where the media is damaged and must be replaced. Most of the time this happens from freight carriers being careless. There is a joke in the industry that the media becomes a soccer ball in the course of a shipment. So what is considered performance damaged media? When damage goes more than 2 sheets deep on a side, the efficiency and the performance is negatively affected. If a corner has been crushed and the piece cannot stand on its own outside the equipment, it needs to be replaced. Feel free to scroll through the pictures of the examples of performance damaged media.